Fitness is a huge part of my life. 6 years ago, I decided I needed a lifestyle change. I had just graduated high school, and my relationship with my body image was not good. It was causing a lot of anxiety and issues in my life, and I needed a way to face that and take it down. One day I decided that learning about fitness and healthy eating was the way to fix this, and it completely changed my life.
I started off by running, every day. When I decided that running wasn't going to be enough for me, I bought my first gym membership at the local gym. I wish I could say that I was dedicated from the start, but I was very inconsistent. There were weeks when I would go every day, then weeks where I wouldn't go at all. I eventually learned that consistency was my friend, and my gym trips became a habit.
However, working out is the easy part for me, because my biggest issue is my eating habits. I learned that what you put into your body is actually the most important aspect of being fit, and trying to train myself to eat only healthy foods has been a bumpy road. This is because I love to SNACK. Tortilla Chips are my #1 love. While some people are lucky enough to have some restraint when it comes to food, I did (do) not. It was and still is dangerous to leave me with a bowl of tortilla chips. But, I was dedicated to making a change. So, I read a lot about what certain foods do to your body, and I became pretty knowledgeable about nutrition. Becoming educated on nutrition and how to stop overeating has been life changing for me.
I was a bit obsessive at first (and it is because of my obsession that I know so much about fitness now) but I eventually found my balance. I fell into a habit of going to the gym 5 days a week and eating an 80/20 lifestyle (eating healthy 80% of the time so you can let loose the other 20%). I have seen myself progress in how I feel mentally and physically, and now I feel like my day is incomplete without getting a workout in. Of course there are still days when I have no motivation, and that's okay. Your body needs to rest sometimes!
A few important things that I have learned along the way:
1) Eating one "bad" meal will not make me gain 5 lbs. This was huge for me. Just remember to live your life and enjoy yourself! Eat all the cake and ice cream on your birthday. Or maybe just on a Saturday. It's all about balance.
2) In terms of fitness goals (losing weight, toning up) there is not one thing works for everyone. Some people thrive on cardio, some on lifting weights. Some people can eat a bunch of carbohydrates and still shape up, and some can't. Don't judge someone for doing what works for them!
3) When all the information out there is too much to handle, just remember to eat clean, whole, unprocessed foods, and watch your portions, and you will be fine. It's really simple, and you're guaranteed to feel great.
4) Hydration really is as important as everyone says. Buy a great reusable water bottle (like this one that I have and it is my favorite ever!) and take it with you everywhere. Many places have water refill stations designed for filling up reusable water bottles now, and it is amazing!
What are you doing to live a healthy lifestyle? Comment down below and let me know what health and fitness related topics you'd like me to talk about in the future!
(Disclaimer: Fitness is a hobby of mine and I'm not certified in any way- yet).