Since I have a flexible work schedule now, it allows me to do a bit more traveling, which is so awesome! But I've learned that being on the go so much can be detrimental to my fitness routine. And, what I've discovered about myself since I have been traveling is that I thrive on routine.
When I get back home from traveling somewhere I take a day or so to recover and feel normal again. If you commit to fitting in a workout while you're on the go, the transition from travel back to regular life will be much easier!
I'll be honest, I am somebody who typically has to go to a gym to be motivated to work out. Home workouts don't go over so well for me because I get way too distracted! I also used to have this mindset that a workout which doesn't involve weights is basically a waste of time. I thought this until I went to a Tone It Up event earlier this year in Santa Monica where we did a full workout without weights, and it kicked my butt!
Since then I have used the Tone It Up girls as a go to for when I have limited equipment to work out. Here are some that I frequently use when I'm on the go!
Also: If you're traveling by plane, you most likely don't have access to a yoga mat, but these moves can be done without one! Any carpeted area works just fine. If you're traveling by car, just toss in your mat for a little extra comfort and motivation! And if you don't have a yoga mat, there are really affordable ones at TJ Maxx or Marshall's!
To make sure you keep your heart rate up during your workout, add in some cardio moves in between sets. This way you'll get the most out of your sweat session!
My favorite easy ways to get in some cardio:
Do 20-30 Jump Squats or Jump Lunges in between moves to keep that heart rate up!
If you're looking for an ab workout on the go, here's a great one from Tone It Up!
It only takes 10 minutes, so there's no excuse for not doing it! Wake up and get to crunching before your morning shower.
Click the image below to go to the video!
For a great booty workout, I love this one from Tone It Up! I use this one all the time as part of my regular routine, it just so happens that it's a great one for on the go as well. Click the photo below for the printable version or here for the video!
These are the two workouts that I love the most, and the body areas that I work out the most! If you want to add in some arms, I usually do 3 sets of 12 push-ups in between these sets, along with the cardio moves!
You'll never regret a workout, so keep that in mind when you're on the go. I have a tendency to try and brush off my workouts when traveling, so that's something I'm working on as well!
I hope you all have a great weekend and that you enjoy the first day of fall! I'll be somewhere very fitting for the fall season... post to come next week! ;)