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About Me



I was born and raised in a small rural town in California's Central Valley- the San Joaquin Valley. I grew up in a house placed on 10 acres of orange trees, which my father farms, along with other crops like lemons and pistachios. California is a huge part of my identity, even though I'm not from a place people normally think of when they think of our Golden State. 

When I went away to school in San Luis Obispo, on California's Central Coast, I was often asked the question, "Are you from NorCal or SoCal?" My answer was always neither, something that confused people greatly.

Growing up I had a dream to live in Los Angeles, which I did eventually move to after college. Now I am living in sunny Orange County, living out my Southern California dreams and enjoying every minute of it.


Citrus and Palm Trees is named after this state I love, and I will be writing about the things I love most in life: Fashion and style, traveling in this state (so many places to go!) and elsewhere, health and fitness, and anything else that may be on my mind.


My love for fashion began in high school when I started reading Teen Vogue magazine. I discovered the world of beautiful clothing, designers, and runway models. I watched a lot of America's Next Top Model, and always held out hope that since I hit 5'7", I had a shot of making it as a model some day. 

I did start doing a bit of modeling (mostly for fun and with friends who are photographers) and it became my hobby, as well as spending all my money on clothes, ha. I shop on a budget, so most of my clothes come from Express, Target, F21, H&M, and other similar storesI hope I can provide a teeny tiny bit of inspiration  into your life, and that I can continue to create every day!


Happy Reading!


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